

Friday, 29 June 2012


Creating dolls within an art therapy setting can be very rewarding. Often dolls may have wishes written down and hidden inside, while others have secrets wished to stay contained. For some clients the final product might be an important part of a healing process, while others spend time wrapping their doll with wool or yarn, which will serve as a metaphoric attachment or bonding experience.
While the creation of a doll can be fun or a healing process, for some people it can be quite difficult. The doll can hold emotion and manifested power one might not expect. It is because the doll is personified that it becomes a talisman for something, wanted or unwanted.

One of the reasons why art therapy is so powerful, is that the art serves as a record of a therapy session. If that artwork is attached to a powerful memory or experience, sometimes it can be hard to look at or even re-traumatize a client. The therapist can suggest resolution for difficult imagery, through a conversation with the piece, the destruction or even protection of it depending on the needs of that client.

The dolls shown in this post have been made by myself, throughout my time as an art therapy student.

The first one I made is the one with the purple face, in a wedding gown. I created her a few months after I was married (to the love of my life) and I was completely over-the-top-in-the-clouds-still-thinking about-my-wedding-day in love. (which two years later, I still am)
She has marbles in her hands and feet to give her weight, and is wrapped with purple yarn. Her head is an amethyst, which came from a treasure box that my husband has been collecting trinkets since he was a little boy. He offered this treasure box to me so I could choose something special for my doll. (which I thought was so special considering this doll serves as a symbol of my bride-self)

The second doll I made is the one with the turquoise hair and the silver dress. I created her, this past May. She represents my maturation. She still offers a gift of flowers, but she has a distinguished face. She is coming into her own. She is wrapped in blue yarn and her face is made from a broken seashell. She wears a glittery dress and has sparkly shoes, because well...i like shiny things.

The third doll, un-like the others, is not a representation of myself, but a hypothetical client. I created her for a project I was doing in my ethics class this past June. I was to create something representational of how I would feel if I had a child client who was being abused by her father. She represents my yearning to hold and protect the child-like whimsy of a doll. She is made out of tin-foil and palm leaves. Her hair is moss, and she has been painted blue and green.

In the group of dolls, you may notice there are two more that I have not spoken about. That is because they are gifts. When I moved away, two of my dear friends who are also studying art therapy created them for me as a parting gift. They are very representational of those people (at least for me) and I feel so blessed that they came with me on my move. They are tokens of our friendship, and remind me those two people are still out there and care about me.

well that's all I have to say about dolls for now, I will update with more as I create them.( which i will because it is one of my favourite things to do)



Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Latest work

Here are a couple of my latest paintings. Sorry for the poor image quality.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Art work

Sand Tray

I recently took a four day Sand Tray course. It was hands down one of my favourite things to do within an art therapy session. I haven't had the opportunity to work with a client using it yet, but really enjoyed my time with one. It may look like child's play, but sand tray brings new meaning to the therapeutic process. It allows the client to dig into the past, build onto the future and work with the present. While dry sand feels more meditative and soft, wet sand allows the strength to build and to dig into the nitty-gritty. I will defiantly be using this tool in my future career!

(The sand tray shown in the picture above was done by myself in class, not a client. )

The Move

Recently my husband and I moved from our home town. It was an appropriate time for us and a smart decision for our future as a family. (Also it was perfect timing as I finished my core courses with BCSAT.) Now that I have most of my classes finished, the rest of my diploma will focus on finishing my practica and writing my thesis. I am very excited by the possibilities my new city has to offer. Despite having very few connections, I am forced to grow, put myself out there, and learn how to promote myself and my art therapy services.
Back on the Island I was working with a variety of people within mental health facilities. (All adults) As I slowly piece together my new life I have found myself making connections in areas that have me working with children. In august I will be volunteering for a camp for children who have witnessed violence in the home. The focus of this camp will be on building self-esteem and educating children on feelings, gender roles and bullying. While this camp is short, I believe it will be an invaluable experience for both counsellors and children.
In addition to the camp, I will be starting with another Women's transition group. One of my favourite experiences so far has been with a group of women who come together to experience the healing power of creativity and community. With this site I will be working both with Women and their children. I have yet to work with family members together, and will find it a wonderful learning opportunity.
Things have been slow moving so far as I search for a new job and practicum placements, but I am confident that my hardwork and prayer will pay off.

I am so blessed to be on this path, and excited about where it will lead.
