

Monday, 25 June 2012

The Move

Recently my husband and I moved from our home town. It was an appropriate time for us and a smart decision for our future as a family. (Also it was perfect timing as I finished my core courses with BCSAT.) Now that I have most of my classes finished, the rest of my diploma will focus on finishing my practica and writing my thesis. I am very excited by the possibilities my new city has to offer. Despite having very few connections, I am forced to grow, put myself out there, and learn how to promote myself and my art therapy services.
Back on the Island I was working with a variety of people within mental health facilities. (All adults) As I slowly piece together my new life I have found myself making connections in areas that have me working with children. In august I will be volunteering for a camp for children who have witnessed violence in the home. The focus of this camp will be on building self-esteem and educating children on feelings, gender roles and bullying. While this camp is short, I believe it will be an invaluable experience for both counsellors and children.
In addition to the camp, I will be starting with another Women's transition group. One of my favourite experiences so far has been with a group of women who come together to experience the healing power of creativity and community. With this site I will be working both with Women and their children. I have yet to work with family members together, and will find it a wonderful learning opportunity.
Things have been slow moving so far as I search for a new job and practicum placements, but I am confident that my hardwork and prayer will pay off.

I am so blessed to be on this path, and excited about where it will lead.


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